Saturday, August 22, 2009

Honor in the Workplace

I recently had the privilege of being interviewed by the St. Petersburg Times The reporter concentrated particularly on the extension of The Honorable Classroom that covers the workplace called, not surprisingly, The Honorable Workplace. I originally placed the latter under The Honorable Classroom's website, but found that doing so was confusing to those who searched the site. But the concept is unitary: The Honorable Classroom can be found throughout our lives and across the lifespan. After all, we often do learn more about our jobs and careers while working, rather than studying in college (though I believe that the later is essential, too). And employers can solve some of their issues with new employees by modeling proper behavior in the workplace.

The reporter asked me one very difficult question: how can employees ensure that they keep their jobs? My honest answer was that there isn't any way to ensure your longevity if your first loyalty is to integrity. I'm afraid that honorable behavior does not guarantee that you will be rewarded. However, walking such a path consciously can indeed help in times when one is let go. There is much to be said for being able to sleep at night.